Toddler Backpack's Are Where It's At

Monday, June 30, 2014

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 Pattern // Koi Smile & Wave Canvas  // Zipper  // Batting (all materials used are organic)

For a year or so I toted around a backpack with all of my things and all the toddler essentials. You know-a few snacks, an extra pair of clothes, a couple books, something to draw on, a water bottle, sunglasses, a wet bag (just in case!), a doll and anything else that mini me decides is needed for a few hours running around town. Time passed, as it has a habit of doing, and I transitioned to a purse (see ya later backpack, you will not be missed!) I thought it was high time I whip up something special for mini me to carry her own things around in. After all, she is always carrying around my old purses anyway, why not make something for her?! So I did. I used this fantastic pattern and it holds all of her essentials perfectly. 

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The straps look uneven. They are not. I used organic duck fabric that I had on hand and it worked just as well as what the pattern called for. I also used strap adjusters from an old Jansport backpack (remember those?) Apparently, the style I had is now vintage. Now I'm wishing I would have tried to sell it on Etsy. Note to self: check etsy before selling any 90s accessories or apparel from this day forward.  

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The bottom of the backpack is quilted. So pretty. This was the first time I've quilted anything. Now I want to quilt everything. Then I think, wait, this was a small quilting project… I should reign it in before I start quilting an entire bedspread. I have dreams of making a quilt. I keep reminding myself to keep it simple for quilt number one. Baby steps.

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The straps looked intimidating to me. I'm easily intimated when it comes to sewing. Then I read the instructions and was like, I can do that! No big deal. 

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This detail comes in really handy for us, as this backpack spends most of its life in use or on a hook. I like how cute and little it is. I like how cute and little all of mini me's things are, which is why I'm a real sucker for children's sewing patterns. 

There you have it, a simple backpack for the toddler in your life. It comes together quickly and easily, which is hard to imagine because it looks complicated. The pattern also includes simple instructions for making it a bit bigger for school-aged children. Just think of all the amazing backpacks you could make! The possibilities are endless. If it weren't for my efforts to base our lives on need versus want, mini me would probably have 3 of these by now. Seriously. 

A Striped Wiksten

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

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There is no better way to begin creating your perfectly curated and handmade clothing than to add a wiksten tank. And that is exactly what I did. :) A striped wiksten in a delicious bamboo knit; it has the perfect amount of drape. I could not be more pleased with it. I even managed to nicely align the stripes on both sides. If you've worked with pattern matching, you can understand my excitement.

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I have already worn it several times since making it a week ago. I can't wait to make more. Now all I need to do is decide on the fabric. Honestly, I have a more difficult time choosing fabric than sewing…usually, ha! Oh, I also slashed the back of the pattern- adding about an inch in width on each side of the fold line for a little extra drape in the back. 

Time To Blog About Sewing

Sunday, June 15, 2014

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while. I started sewing garments for myself when I came across a tutorial for a maxi skirt a couple years ago and I've been smitten with sewing my own garments ever since. Smitten as I was, I didn't actually sew many of my own clothes because my sewing skills were very basic - like I hadn't sewn since home ec basic.

Nowadays, I scour the internet for new designers, mommy friendly patterns, kiddo patterns, and daydream about which garment to make next. I still have so much to learn, but I'm hoping to make some friends (none of my friends sew!) and share the garments I make for myself and my toddler.